Friday, May 13, 2011

Italian Chicken

Hey All!

It's been a while hasn't it?  I guess I got a little busy.

Here is a dish I made a while back.  It is one of my "safe"dishes.  That means I can make it for Matt and I KNOW he is going to be eating it.

Isn't it sad that I have to go about fixing dinner that way?  Ha  I guess we all need those kind of dishes don't we.

Does anyone ever buy the Italian Dressing packets?  You find it by the ranch dressing packets.

I bought the Italian Dressing packets once because I like to use the seasoning on fresh green beans.  Talk about yummyness.  But one day I looked on the back of the box.

I found just about the easiest recipe ever.  It calls for like 4 things.

Wanna know what they are?

1.  Chicken breast (the cut used for chichen fingers is what I use...I can't think of the correct term. ha)
2.  Parmesan Cheese  (1/2 cup.  I use both fresh grated and the kind we shake on spaghetti)
3.  Garlic Powder  (Just add a tsp. or two depending on what you like)
4.  Italian dressing packet

Obviously the box will have the real recipe if you want to get technical with me.


Stick it all in your GREASED dish and mix


Coat the chicken with the seasoning
Then bake at 350 until the chicken is done

(can you tell I just wing it now?)

 DSC_0388 DSC_0387
And there you have it.

Italian chicken with green beans and garlic bread.

Oh---the white small casserol dish I used is from Crate and Barrel and is PERFECT for making dishes for 2 and was like only $7.00 or something cheap like that. :)

Happy Cooking!

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